Project publications


  • Alessandro Gori, A Handlist of the Manuscripts in the Institute of Ethiopian Studies, Volume Two: The Arabic Materials of the Ethiopian Islamic Tradition, with contributions from Anne Regourd, Jeremy Brown, and Steve Delamarter, Ethiopic Manuscripts, Texts and Studies Series, 20, Pickwick Publications, 2014

    Edited volumes

  • Alessandro Gori, with Alessandro Bausi and Gianfrancesco Lusini, eds., Linguistic, Oriental and Ethiopian Studies in Memory of Paolo Marrassini, Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag, 2014
  • Alessandro Gori, with Alessandro Bausi and Denis Nosnitsin, eds., Essays in Ethiopian Manuscript Studies. Proceedings of the International Conference Manuscripts and Texts, Languages and Contexts: the Transmission of Knowledge in the Horn of Africa. Hamburg, 17-19 July 2014, Supplement to Aethiopica, 4, Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag, 2015.
  • Anne Regourd & Nancy Um, eds., « From Mountain to Mountain: Exchange between Yemen and Ethiopia, Medieval to Modern » = Chroniques du manuscrit au Yémen, Special Issue no. 1, 2017, in 3 installments.
  • Essays in Ethiopian Manuscript Studies : Proceedings of the International Conference Manuscripts and Texts, Languages and Contexts: the Transmission of Knowledge in the Horn of Africa Hamburg, 17–19 July 2014. / Bausi, Alessandro (Editor); Gori, Alessandro (Editor); Nosnitsin, Denis (Editor); Sokolinski, Eugenia (Editor). Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag, 2015. 416 p.

  • Anne Regourd (guest editor), with Jan-Just Witkam (general editor), Manuscrits en transit / Manuscripts in Transit = Journal of Islamic Manuscripts 5/2-3, 2014

    Articles and book chapters

    Sara Fani

  • Sara Fani, "Magic, traditional medicine and theurgy in Arabo-Islamic manuscripts of the Horn of Africa", in Alessandro Bausi, Alessandro Gori, Denis Nosnitsin, eds., Essays in Ethiopian Manuscript Studies. Proceedings of the International Conference Manuscripts and Texts, Languages and Contexts: the Transmission of Knowledge in the Horn of Africa. Hamburg, 17-19 July 2014, Supplement to Aethiopica, 4, Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag, 2015, 273-280 and plates.
  • Massimo Bernabò, con la collaborazione di S. Fani, M. Farina, I.G. Rao, “Le miniature del Vangelo arabo della Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana di Firenze, codice Orientali 387 (Mardin, 1299 d.C.)”, in Orientalia Christiana Periodica 83, II (2017), pp. 293-447.
  • Sara Fani, “Scribal practices in Arabic manuscripts from Ethiopia. The ʻaǧamization of some scribal practices in fuṣḥā and ʻaǧamī manuscripts from Harar”, in: Islamic Africa, 8 (2017), pp. 144-170.
  • Sara Fani, “Arabic Grammar Traditions in Gibe and Harar: Regional Continuity vs Specificity of Scholarship”, in Aethiopica, 19 (2016),pp. 113-134.
  • Sara Fani, “The Typographia Medicea and the Humanistic Perspective of Renaissance Rome. II. The Medicean Edition of Avicenna: an Early Contribution to 'Scientific Orientalism'”, in Maurizio Arfaioli and Marta Caroscio (eds.), The Grand Ducal Medici and the Levant. Material Culture; Diplomacy, and Imagery in the Early Modern Mediterranean, The Medici Archive Project Series, London - Turnhout, Harvey Miller Publisher, 2016, pp. 169-175.

  • Alessandro Gori

  • Alessandro Gori, “Quṭb al-Dīn Muḥammad al-Nahrawālī – al-Barq al-Yamānī”. in Christian-Muslim Relations: A Bibliographical History. ed. / David Thomas; John Chesworth. Vol. 11 Brill, 2017. p. 469-475.
  • Alessandro Gori, “Seven Gravestones at the Muslim Tana Baru Cemetery in Cape Town : A Descriptive Note”, in The Arts and Crafts of Literacy. : Islamic Manuscript Cultures in Sub-Saharan Africa. ed. / Andrea Brigaglia; Mauro Nobili. Vol. Studies in Manuscript Cultures 12 Walter de Gruyter, 2017. p. 313-330
  • Alessandro Gori, Some Observations on the Text of šayḫ Hāšim’s Fatḥ al-raḥmānī, in Aethiopica, Vol. 19, No. 2016, 2017, p. 135-148.
  • Alessandro Gori, “Ḥasan ibn Aḥmad al-Ḥaymi - Sīrat al-Ḥabasha", in Christian-Muslim Relations.: A Bibliographical History. ed. / David Thomas; John Chesworth. Vol. volume 11 Brill, 2017. p. 578-584.
  • Alessandro Gori, Review of Pawlikovà-Vilhanovà, Viera / Moumouni, Seyni (ed.): “Voices of Africa’s Past”. In: Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, Vol. 111, No. 1, 2016, p. 90-94.
  • Alessandro Gori, “Some Observations on Composite and Multiple-Text Manuscripts in the Islamic Tradition of the Horn of Africa”, in One-Volume Libraries: Composite and Multiple-Text Manuscripts. ed. / Michael Friedrich; Cosima Schwarke. Vol. 9 Berlin-Boston : Walter de Gruyter, 2016. p. 155-169.
  • Alessandro Gori, “Between Manuscripts and Books : Islamic Printing in Ethiopia”, in The Book in Africa: Critical Debates. ed. / Caroline Davis; David Johnson. Basingstoke-New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. p. 65-82.
  • Alessandro Gori, “Catalogues of Arabic manuscripts from Africa : Northeast and East Africa”. Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies: An Introduction. ed. / Alessandro Bausi; Pier Giorgio Borbone; Françoise Briquel-Chatonnet; Paola Buzi; Jost Gippert; Caroline Macé; Marilena Maniaci; Zisis Melissakis; Laura Parodi; Witold Witakowski; Eugenia Sokolinski. Hamburg : Tredition, 2015. p. 474-476.
  • Alessandro Gori, "Bag om konflikternes paradigme: Muslimer og kristne i Etiopien og Eritrea", Religion (Denmark), 4, 2015, 38-50.
  • Alessandro Gori, with Alessandro Bausi and Denis Nosnitsin, "Preface. Introduction", in Alessandro Bausi, Alessandro Gori, Denis Nosnitsin, eds., Essays in Ethiopian Manuscript Studies. Proceedings of the International Conference Manuscripts and Texts, Languages and Contexts: the Transmission of Knowledge in the Horn of Africa. Hamburg, 17-19 July 2014, Supplement to Aethiopica, 4, Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag, 2015, 17-20.
  • Alessandro Gori, "IslHornAfr: Islam in the Horn of Africa, a Comparative Literary Approach", in Alessandro Bausi, Alessandro Gori, Denis Nosnitsin, eds., Essays in Ethiopian Manuscript Studies. Proceedings of the International Conference Manuscripts and Texts, Languages and Contexts: the Transmission of Knowledge in the Horn of Africa. Hamburg, 17-19 July 2014, Supplement to Aethiopica, 4, Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag, 2015, 17-20.
  • Alessandro Gori, "Waqf certificates of Qur'ans from Harar: A first assessment", in Alessandro Bausi, Alessandro Gori, Denis Nosnitsin, eds., Essays in Ethiopian Manuscript Studies. Proceedings of the International Conference Manuscripts and Texts, Languages and Contexts: the Transmission of Knowledge in the Horn of Africa. Hamburg, 17-19 July 2014, Supplement to Aethiopica, 4, Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag, 2015, 281-296.
  • Alessandro Gori, "Between Manuscripts and Books: Islamic Printing in Ethiopia", in Caroline Davis and David Johnson, eds., The Book in Africa. Critical Debates, New Directions in Book History, Basingstoke-New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, pp. 65-82
  • Alessandro Gori, Languages and literatures of the Muslims of the Horn of Africa: some first general reflections, in Paolo Nicelli, ed., L'Africa, l'Oriente mediterraneo e l'Europa : Tradizioni e culture a confronto, Roma : Bulzoni, 2015, pp. 119-126
  • Alessandro Gori, "Catalogues of Arabic manuscripts from Africa: Northeast and East Africa", in Alessandro Bausi et alii, eds., Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies. An Introduction, Hamburg : Tredition, 2015, pp. 474-476
  • Alessandro Gori, "Fame (and debts) beyond the sea : two mentions of imam Ahmad b. Ibrahim in an Indian Arabic source", in Alessandro Gori, with Alessandro Bausi and Gianfrancesco Lusini, eds., Linguistic, Oriental and Ethiopian Studies in Memory of Paolo Marrassini, Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag, 2014, pp. 477-490
  • Alessandro Gori, "Some observations on a sharifian genealogy of leg Iyasu (Vatican Arabic Manuscript 1796)", in Eloi Ficquet, Wolbert Smidt, eds., The Life and Times of Lij Iyasu of Ethiopia: New Insights, Northeast African History, Orality and Heritage, 3, Berlin : LIT Verlag, 2014, pp. 31-38
  • Alessandro Gori, "Postfazione. Pidgin amarico e pidgin italiano nel diario di Dario Poppi : alcune osservazioni linguistiche", in Fucili a salve: diario di una resistenza africana, Milano : Terre di mezzo, 2013, pp. 203-213

    Adday Hernández

  • Adday Hernández, “Andalusi vestiges in the Ethiopian Islamic literary tradition”, in The Annual Review of Islam in Africa, 12/13, 2015-2016, pp. 10-19.
  • Adday Hernández, “The Ajamization of Islam in Ethiopia through esoteric textual manifestations in two collections of Ethiopian Arabic manuscripts” in Islamic Africa, 8: 1-2, 2017, pp. 171-192.
  • Adday Hernández, , “Qurʾanic studies in al-Andalus: An overview of the state of research on qirāʾāt and tafsīr”, Journal of Qur’anic Studies, 19: 3 (2017), pp. 74-102.
  • Adday Hernández, “Transfer of Knowledge in Twentieth-Century Muslim Ethiopia: The Library of al-Šayḫ al-Ḥāǧǧ Ḥabīb from Wällo”, in Aethiopica, Journal of Ethiopian and Eritrean Studies, 20, 2017, in press.
  • Adday Hernández, “Zawāl al-taraḥ: Un comentario al poema de Ibn Faraḥ al-Išbīlī (m. 699/1300) en un manuscrito etíope del siglo XIX”, forthcoming.
  • Adday Hernández, [Conference report]: Sacred Word, Changing Meanings in Textual Cultures of Islamic Africa Dedicated to the Memory of Professor John O. Hunwick (1936-2015), COMSt Bulletin 3: 1 (2017), p. 51-53.

  • John Møller Larsen

  • John Møller Larsen, "[Review of:] David Hollenberg, Christoph Rauch, and Sabine Schmidtke, eds, The Yemeni Manuscript Tradition (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2015)", COMSt Bulletin 3/1, Spring 2017, 70-75.

    Irmeli Perho

  • Irmeli Perho, Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts: Codices Persici, Codices Eyseriani, Codex Persicus Add., Catalogues of Oriental Manuscripts, Xylographs etc. in Danish Collections, Vol. 8.2., Copenhagen: NIAS Press, 2017

    Michele Petrone

  • Michele Petrone, "Devotional texts in Ethiopian Islam: a munāǧah invoking the intercession of prophets, male and female saints and ʻulamā'", in Alessandro Bausi, Alessandro Gori, Denis Nosnitsin, eds., Essays in Ethiopian Manuscript Studies. Proceedings of the International Conference Manuscripts and Texts, Languages and Contexts: the Transmission of Knowledge in the Horn of Africa. Hamburg, 17-19 July 2014, Supplement to Aethiopica, 4, Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag, 2015, 259-272.
  • Michele Petrone, “Ethiopian Tiǧāniyya in Context”, in Aethiopica 19 (2016), pp. 165-187.
  • Michele Petrone, “Ādāb with an Absent Master: Sufis and Good Manners in the Tiǧāniyya” in F. Chiabotti et al. (eds.) Ethics and Spirituality in Islam: Sufi Adab, Leiden : Brill, 2017, pp. 608-29.
  • Michele Petrone, “Sufism and Textual Practices in 20th Century Ethiopia”, in Written Sources about Africa and their Study – Le Fonti Scritte sull’Africa e i Loro Studi, M. Lafkioui and V. Brugnatelli (eds.), Africana Ambrosiana 3, Milano : Biblioteca Ambrosiana – Centro Ambrosiano, 2018, pp. 313-337.
  • Michele Petrone, “A Bornuan Manuscript in Ethiopia”, forthcoming in Annual Review of Islam in Africa 2018.

  • Anne Regourd

  • Anne Regourd, contributor, « Introduction: Sur la trace de l’histoire des collections et des bibliothèques du Yémen », in Anne Regourd (Guest ed.), “Manuscrits en transit / Manuscripts in Transit,” Journal of Islamic Manuscripts 5/2-3, nov. 2014, pp. 111–124.
  • Anne Regourd, « Comment détruire un talisman ? », in Ces objets qui nous envahissent : objets cultes, culte des objets. Anthologie, Paris: Nathan, sept. 2014, BTS « Culture générale et expressions », concours 2014-2015, doc. 53, pp. 145-147.
  • Anne Regourd, "A Late Ayyubid Report of Death Found at Qusayr al-Qadim (Egypt)", in Alexander T. Schubert and Petra M. Sijpesteijn, eds., Documents and the History of the Early Islamic World, Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2014, pp. 11-26.
  • Anne Regourd, "Introduction: Sur la trace de l'histoire des collections et des bibliothéques du Yémen", in Journal of Islamic Manuscripts, 5, Issue 2-3, 2014, pp. 111-124.
  • Anne Regourd, "Papiers filigranés de manuscrits de Zabid, premier tiers du XVIIIe-milieu du XXe siécle : papiers importés et locaux", Chapter 8 of: David Hollenberg, Christoph Rauch & Sabine Schmidtke, The Yemeni Manuscript Tradition, Leiden/Boston, E.J. Brill, 2015, pp. 227-251.
  • Anne Regourd, « Une requête (petition) au calife fatimide al-Ḥākim bi-amr Allāh (Rémondon 1, musée du Louvre) », in Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 80: 3, Oct. 2017, pp. 465-471.
  • Anne Regourd, « Sanaa – Al-dā’ira al-falakiyya ou la baraka des pierres : textes et pratique » , in Pavel Pogorelski & Maxim Vasilenko/П.И. Погорельский, М.И. Василенко, eds., Arabian Roots in the Asian Context/ Арабские маршруты в азиатском контексте: [сборник научных статей], Saint-Petersburg: Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkammer)/СПб, 2016, pp. 531-552.
  • Anne Regourd & Fiona J.L. Handley, « A Name of a Private Factory (or Workshop) on a Piece of Textile: The Case of the Document A.L.18 (Vienna) », in Marie-Louise Nosch, Salvatore Gaspa & Cécile Michel, eds., Textile Terminologies from the Orient to the Mediterranean and Europe, 1000 BC to 1000 AD, Proceedings of the Textile Conference, Copenhague 2014, Lincoln: DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska, Zea E-Books. 56, 2017, chap. 23, pp. 374-382.
  • Anne Regourd, « Al-mandal al-sulaymānī appliqué : une section interpolée dans le ms. Sanaa 2774 ? », in The Arabist. Budapest Studies in Arabic, 37 (2016), vol. In Memoriam Alexandre Fodor, pp. 135-151 (avec édition de texte).
  • Anne Regourd, « Notes sur un papier à timbre sec relevé au Yémen (fin xixe ?-début xxe s.) », in Chroniques du manuscrit au Yémen, 22 (juillet 2016), pp. 87-104.
  • Anne Regourd. « Surveying Islamic manuscripts in Ethiopia: Project and progress », Blog du Centre français d’études éthiopiennes, page « Un œil sur la Corne/An eye on the Corn », série « Terrains/Fieldworks, writings and writing practices in Ethiopia », avril 2016.
  • David Hollenberg & Anne Regourd, « Manuscripts destruction and looting in Yemen: A Status report », in Chroniques du manuscrit au Yémen, 21 (janvier 2016), pp. 157-177.
  • Anne Regourd. “Zabîd, des lettrés et des manuscrits », in Guillaume Charloux & Jérémie Schiettecatte, eds., Yémen. Terre d’archéologie, Sanaa/Paris: CEFAS, Geuthner, 2016, pp. 280-291.
  • Anne Regourd, « Quinze mémos de transport de la collection Rémondon (musée du Louvre) datés de 957/1550 », in The Arabist. Budapest Studies in Arabic, 36 (2015), pp. 33-72.
  • Anne Regourd, « Le ms. Or. 6980 de la Bibliothèque universitaire de Leyde. I. Premiers éléments de datation et de localisation du manuscrit : apport d’un papier Andrea Galvani inédit », Chroniques du manuscrit au Yémen, 20 (juillet 2015), pp. 65-81.

  • Encyclopaedia articles and miscellaneous

  • Alessandro Gori, "ʿArab Faqih Shihab al-Din Ahmad ibn ʻAbd al-Qadir ibn Salim ibn ʻUthman - Futuh al-habasha", in Christian-Muslim Relations. A Biographical History Volume 7. Central and Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa and South America (1500-1600). ed. / David Thomas; John Chesworth. Leiden-Boston : Brill , 2015. pp. 811-815.
  • Alessandro Gori, "'Enbaqom - Anqasa amin", in Christian-Muslim Relations. A Biographical History Volume 7. Central and Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa and South America (1500-1600). ed. / David Thomas; John Chesworth. Leiden-Boston : Brill , 2015. pp. 794-800.
  • Alessandro Gori, "A few words for Paolo Marrassini", in Alessandro Gori, with Alessandro Bausi and Gianfrancesco Lusini, eds., Linguistic, Oriental and Ethiopian Studies in Memory of Paolo Marrassini, Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag, 2014, pp. xxiii-xxv
  • Alessandro Gori, articles "Luuq", "Mogadishu", "Mahammade", "Wadaja", "al-Yaqubi", "Zäkaryas", "Zanj", "Zawiya", "Zayla", in Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, Volume 5, Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag, 2014, pp. 405-406, 437-439, 408, 548-549, 23-24, 116-117, 136-138, 159-160, 164-166.


  • Alessandro Gori, 19 March 2014, Addis Ababa: 'Hailing the righteous king : a manuscript text for visitors to the Nagaši'
  • Alessandro Gori, 19 July 2014, Hamburg: 'Waqf certificates from Harar. A first assessment'
  • Alessandro Gori, 23 October 2014, Milan: 'Languages and literatures of the Muslims in the Horn of Africa'
  • Alessandro Gori, 7 October 2014, Copenhagen: 'Islam in the Horn of Africa. A Comparative Literary Approach'
  • Alessandro Gori, 12 December 2014, Paris: 'ʻAgami in the opposite way. An Arabic manuscript text written in Ethiopian script (EMML 6239)'
  • Alessandro Gori, 25 February 2015, Copenhagen: 'Field work on Ethiopian Islamic manuscripts'
  • Alessandro Gori, 4 March 2015, Florence: 'Lingue e letterature islamiche d'etiopia: nuove prospettive di ricerca'
  • Alessandro Gori, 1 August 2015, Hargeisa: Islam in the Horn of Africa: a New Project
  • Alessandro Gori, 26 August 2015, Warsaw: Some observation on the text of Šayh Hašm's Fath al-rahmani
  • Alessandro Gori, 13 November 2015, Milan: Riflessi letterari del culto dei santi islamici in Africa Orientale
  • Alessandro Gori, 1 August 2015, Hargeisa (Somaliland): Conservation of ancient Islamic manuscripts in Somaliland
  • Alessandro Gori, 25 August 2016, Warsaw: Some observations on the text of Šayḫ Hašim's Fatḥ al-raḥmani
  • Alessandro Gori, 13 November 2015, Milan: Person, trascendence, powers in Africa
  • Alessandro Gori, 13 November 2015, Milan: Literary Manifestations of the Cult of the Muslim Saints in the Horn of Africa
  • Alessandro Gori, 27 September 2016, Hamburg: Methodology and basic tools in Ethiopian and Eritrean studies
  • Alessandro Gori, 12 November 2016, Hamburg: Text Collections in the Arabic Manuscript Tradition of Harar: the Case of the Mawlid Collection and of Šayḫ Hašim's al-Fatḥ al-Raḥmani
  • Alessandro Gori, 21 April 2017, Hamburg: The Arabic-Swahili Hamziyya: Observations on Two Uncommon Testimonies of the Text

  • Sara Fani, 19 July 2014, Hamburg: Magic, Traditional Medicine and Theurgy in Arabo-Islamic Manuscripts of the Horn of Africa - Classification and description
  • 8 May 2014, Università degli Studi di Napoli “L'Orientale”, seminar: “La Typographia Medicea tra Roma e l'Oriente”.
  • Sara Fani, 7 October 2014, Copenhagen: 'Arabic language and alphabet in Ethiopia'
  • Sara Fani, 25 February 2015, Copenhagen: 'The Simplicity of a Tough Job: Logistical and Technical Issues of Manuscript Digitization in Central Ethiopia'
  • Sara Fani, 4 March 2015, Florence: 'I manoscritti islamici in Etiopia: storia di una tradizione attraverso la codicologia'
  • 27 October 2015, University of Copenhagen, Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Seminar on the project Islam in the Horn of Africa. Paper: “Preventive Conservation in the Horn of Africa. A Vademecum for the Preservation of Book Material”.
  • Sara Fani, 26 August 2015, Warsaw: 'Textual Traditions of Arabic Grammars in Jimma: Regional Continuity and Specificity of Scholarship'
  • Sara Fani, 21-22 March 2016, Chicago: Scribal Practices in Arabic Manuscripts from Ethiopia. The visual expression of fusha, ʻagami and esoteric textual manifestations
  • Sara Fani, 16-17 June 2016, Berlin: The Art and the Craft of Arabic Book - Arabic Medieval Manuals between Technical and Literary Approach - Arabic Bookbinding
  • 9 November 2016, Università degli Studi di Firenze – LILSI, Corso di Filologia Semitica a.a. 2016/2017, Lecture: “Gli Arabi e l'Arabo nel Corno d'Africa: l'impiego della lingua araba e della sua scrittura in Etiopia”.
  • 24 March 2017, Università degli Studi di Firenze, nell’ambito dell’Accordo Culturale e Scientifico fra l’Università degli Studi di Firenze e la Addis Ababa University, conference: II Giornata di studi etiopici in onore di Paolo Marrassini. Paper: “Le missioni sul campo del progetto Islam in the Horn of Africa: primi risultati e nuove prospettive di indagine”.
  • 7 July 2017, Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw, conference: Red Sea VIII Conference and Arabian Red Sea Route Workshop. Paper: “Textual and Archaeological Perspective of Investigation on Islamic Manuscripts of the Horn of Africa”.
  • 29 September 2017, Hiob Ludolf Centre, Asien-Afrika-Institut, Universität Hamburg. Summer School in Ethiopian and Eritrean Manuscript Studies. Seminar: “Field Research and Manuscript Studies: Islamic Tradition - Codicology and Conservation”.
  • 14 December 2017, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. LECTIO, International Conference: The Impact of Learning Greek, Hebrew and ʻOrientalʼ Languages on Scholarship, Science and Society in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Paper: “The Theoretic and Linguistic Approach to the 16th cent. Arabic Edition of Avicenna’s Works”.
  • 11 January 2018, Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut, Workshop: Typographia Linguarum Externarum – The Medici Oriental Press. Knowledge and Cultural Transfer around 1600. Paper: “Raimondiʼs Lexicons: Between Learning and Editing Instruments”.
  • 19 January 2018, Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures, Universitat Hamburg, Conference: Textual and Material Craftsmanship: What Does Copying a Manuscript Mean? Paper: “Arabic Manuals on Ink Making: Between Technical and Literary Approach”.
  • 23 February 2018, Hiob Ludolf Centre for Ethiopian Studies, Hamburg. Workshop: Linking Manuscripts from the Coptic, Ethiopian and Syriac domain: Present and Future Synergy Strategies. Paper: “Describing the complex: the multiple dimensions of a relational database”.

  • Adday Hernández, 30 November 2016, Copenhagen: “Transfer of knowledge in Ethiopia: The case of a šayḫ from Wallo”.
  • Adday Hernández, 21 April 2016, Evanston: “Scribal practices in Arabic Manuscripts from Ethiopia: the visual expression of fuṣḥā, ʿaǧamī and esoteric textual manifestations”.

  • Irmeli Perho, 30 November 2018, Copenhagen, ‘The vagaries of Hamza and other orthographic features in the Ethiopian manuscripts’

  • Michele Petrone, 25 October 2013, Aix-en-Provence: 'Les priviléges (khasā'is) du Prophéte, la dévotion des juristes'
  • Michele Petrone, 19 March 2014, Addis Ababa: 'A first inquiry about the Tanbih al-Anam by Ibn 'Azzum al-Qayrawani (d. 960/1552) and its ritual usage in Ethiopia and Northern Africa'
  • Michele Petrone, 23 June 2014, Venice: 'Al-Suyuti in the Catalogues of West African Collections of Manuscripts'
  • Michele Petrone, 19 July 2014, Hamburg: 'Some notes about the lists of saints in Harari Arabic manuscripts'
  • Michele Petrone, 7 October 2014, Copenhagen: 'Islam as a Religion of Ethiopia'
  • Michele Petrone, 25 February 2015, Copenhagen: 'Ethiopian Islam through its Manuscript Legacy: some examples from the Jimma Region'
  • Michele Petrone, 4 March 2015, Florence: 'Testi devozionali islamici in Etiopia, fra pratiche e tradizione manoscritta'
  • Michele Petrone, 26 August 2015, Warsaw: 'Ethiopian Tijaniyya in Context. A Preliminary study of its Relations with Other Branches of the Tariqa and of its Development in the First Part of the 20th Century'
  • Michele Petrone, 12 December 2015, Florence: 'Imamgine e forma: esiste un'estetica islamica?'
  • Michele Petrone, 9 February 2016, Tuebingen: 'Collections and models of Ownership in Manuscript Collections of Ethiopia'
  • Michele Petrone, 13 May 2016, University of Copenhagen (Seminar): “Sub-Saharan Manuscript Tradition: Context and Methodologies of Inquiry”.
  • Michele Petrone, 21 July 2016, Bayreuth: 'Arabic in Ethiopia: Literature and Practice'
  • Michele Petrone, 30 November 2016, University of Copenhagen: “Tiǧāniyya Networks Between Ethiopia and West Africa”.
  • Michele Petrone, 27 January 2017, Milan: 'Sufism and Textual Production in 20th century Ethiopia'
  • Michele Petrone, 29 September 2017, University of Hamburg – Hiob Ludolf Center for Ethiopian Studies, “Summer School in Eritrean and Manuscript Studies”: Field Research and Manuscript Studies: Islamic Tradition”.
  • Michele Petrone, 30 November 2017, University of Copenhagen (Seminar): “Manuscripts’ Digitization and Copyright Issues”.
  • Michele Petrone, 7 December 2017, University of Florence, Seminar on “Geografie Interiori” – “Assialità e orizzonti del cuore: Isrā’ e Miʻrāj nei commentari Sufi”.
  • Michele Petrone, 8-15 January 2018, Tamacine – Touggourt (Algeria) - Summer School in “Foundations of Islamic Spirituality”.

  • Anne Regourd, 18 March 2014, Addis Ababa: 'Paper studies: comparison of the papers of Ethiopian Islamic manuscripts (Harari) with those of Yemeni manuscripts from the 17th to the 20th c.'
  • Anne Regourd & Fiona J.L. Handley (Southampton, UK), 19 June 2014, Copenhagen (International Conference, "Textile terminologies from the Orient to the Mediterranean and Europe–1000 BC-AD 1000"), 'A Name of a Workshop on a Piece of Textile: the Case of the Document A.L.18 (Vienna)'
  • nne Regourd, 17-19 July 2014, Hamburg (International Conference, "Manuscripts and texts, languages and contexts: The transmission of knowledge in the Horn of Africa"), Panel Direction.
  • Anne Regourd, 31 August-3 September 2014, Cambridge (UK) (International Conference, "Manuscripts and Conflict, Celebrating the Tenth Anniversary of the Islamic Manuscript Association"), Invited Guest.
  • Anne Regourd, 30 September-1 October 2014, Center for Medieval Literature,Syddansk Universitet, Odensee, Denmark (Seminar on Qur’ānic material), 'Greek-Arabic Protocols from the Umayyad Period: Protocoles–Arabic/Arabic'.
  • Anne Regourd, 7 October 2014, Copenhagen: 'Manuscript Culture and Codicology: their Contribution to the Study of Ethiopian Islamic Manuscripts'
  • Anne Regourd, 17 October 2014, Paris, BULAC (Workshop: Series Catalogorum), 'Le premier catalogue du fonds manuscrit de l’Institut d’études éthiopiennes (Université d’Addis Ababa)'.
  • Anne Regourd, 20.October.2014, Barcelone, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Seminar) 'Documents & Histoire : les documents arabes quasiment inédits d’une papyrologue'.
  • Anne Regourd & Steve Delamarter (Portland, OR), 19 November 2014, Asheville University, North Carolina, 'Scholars Discuss Christian and Islamic Manuscripts in Ethiopia: Windows into the Soul of a Community: Christian and Islamic Manuscripts in Ethiopia'.
  • Anne Regourd, 23 November 2014, Washington D.C. (International MESA Conference, Panel “Yemen’s Cultural Crisis: Catastrophe or Opportunity?” created by Stephen Steinbeiser), 'It Looks Good on Paper: Conserving Zabid’s Manuscripts and Intellectual History'.
  • Anne Regourd, 12 December 2014, Paris: 'Ethiopian Islamic and Christian Manuscripts: two material cultures, a working hypothesis'
  • Anne Regourd & Claire Bosc-Tiessé (CNRS, IMAf), 12-13 December 2014, Paris, French National Library, co-organisation of the International Workshop "Christian and Islamic Manuscripts: A Comparative Approach (12th–20th centuries)".
  • Anne Regourd, 17-18 March 2015, Erlangen, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (International Conference “Fate, Freedom, and Prognostication. Strategies for Coping with the Future in East Asia and Europe”, organised by Josefina Rodríguez Arribas), '18th c. copies of the Kitāb Qiyām al-Khulafā’ from Yemen'.
  • Anne Regourd, 24 March 2015, Addis Ababa, Centre français d'études éthiopiennes (Seminar “Christian and muslims sources”), 'The project to make a Catalogue of the manuscripts of the Abdullahi Sharif Library, Harar (Islam in the Horn of Africa)'.
  • Anne Regourd, 24 March 2015, Addis Ababa: 'The catalogue of the manuscripts of Abdullah Sharif library, Harar'.
  • Anne Regourd, 9 July 2015, Paris (International Conference GIS "Moyen-Orient et Mondes Musulmans"), 'Quelques pièces de la collection de documents arabes de la Geniza rassemblée par David Kaufmann (Budapest)'.
  • Anne Regourd & Ghislaine Lydon (UCLA), July 2015, Paris (International Conference, ECAS), co-direction of the panel “Reading Paper into African History”.
  • Anne Regourd, July 2015, Paris (International Conference, ECAS, panel “Reading Paper into African History”), 'Reading between the Lines: Seeing Trade Through Papers'.
  • Anne Regourd, 15-16 July 2015, Paris, UNESCO (Expert meeting, “Protection of cultural Heritage of Yemen”), 'Manuscripts in Yemen'.
  • Anne Regourd, 24-28 August 2015, Warsaw (International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, Panel “Islamic literature in Ethiopia: new perspectives of research”, dir. Alessandro Gori); 'Some more about the characteristics of Harari manuscripts'.
  • Anne Regourd, 09-10 Septembre 2015, Berlin, Zentrum Moderner Orient (International Workshop "Les manuscrits de Mauritanie – évaluation critique et développement d’une stratégie pour leur conservation dans le futur", organised by Britta Frede (Université libre de Berlin), 'Le Programme de sauvegarde des bibliothèques privées de Zabid : un programme de développement durable'.
  • Anne Regourd, 10 November 2015, Paris, Université Paris 7-Diderot (Seminar Master 2 "Patrimoine et collections"), 'Le patrimoine manuscrit éthiopien en arabe'.
  • Anne Regourd, 18-20 December 2015, Bonn, University of Bonn (International Conference “The Mamluk Sultanate and its Neighbors: Economic, Social and Cultural Entanglements”, organised by Stephan Conermann & Reuven Amitai), 'Late Ayyubide and Mamluk Quṣayr al-Qadīm, Egypt: What the primary sources tell us'.
  • Anne Regourd, 19-20 May 2016, Leiden, LUCIS (International Conference “Amulets & Talismans in the Muslim World,” organised by Marcella A. Garcia Probert & Hayat Ahlili), 'A 20th century manuscript of the K. al-mandal al-sulaymānī (Ar. IES 286, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia): texts on practices & texts in practices'.
  • Anne Regourd, 29 June 2016, Paris, French Parliament, Palais Bourbon, Organisation of the Conference "Le patrimoine culturel du Yémen/Yemen’s Cultural Heritage" and introduction.
  • Anne Regourd, 29 June 2016, Paris, French Parliament, Palais Bourbon (Conference "Le patrimoine culturel du Yémen/Yemen’s Cultural Heritage"), 'La place exceptionnelle du Yémen sur l’échelle mondiale du patrimoine manuscrit/The exceptional place of Yemen on a global scale for Manuscript Heritage'.
  • Anne Regourd, 22-23 November 2016, Erlangen, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Participation in the Round-Table, "Prophecy and Prognostication in Medieval European and Mediterranean Societies".
  • Anne Regourd, 19 January 2017, Paris, French Parliament, Palais Bourbon (Consultation "Groupe Amitié France-Yémen"), 'On the endengered cultural heritage of Yemen.
  • Anne Regourd, 1 February 2017, Lyon, Université Lyon 3-Jean Moulin (Seminar "Rencontre autour du manuscrit arabe"), 'La richesse du patrimoine manuscrit du Yémen'.
  • Anne Regourd, 1-2 May 2017, Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi (International Conference "The Islamic Multiverse and Histories of Everyday Social Discourse", organised by E. Pettigrew (NYUAD), S. Reese (Northern Arizona University), T. Sevea (University of Pennsylvania)), 'The Cupper’s Blood'.
  • Anne Regourd, 4 May 2017, Sharjah, American University (Seminar, Undergraduate Students), 'Manuscripts of Yemen and Ethiopia'.
  • Anne Regourd, 13-14 July 2017, Erlangen,University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, participation in the Round Table "Prophecy and Prognostication in Medieval European and Mediterranean Societies".
  • Anne Regourd, 20 October 2017, Bruxelles, European Parliament (Conference, "Quel avenir pour le Yémen et ses relations avec l’Union européenne ?", organised by Académie de géopolitique de Paris), 'Splendeur et misère du patrimoine du Yémen'.
  • Anne Regourd, 25 October 2017, Berlin, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, 'Texts of records, Records of texts: ms. Leiden Or.6980'.
  • Anne Regourd, 30 October 2017, Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin; 'ERC, Advanced Grant, ‘Islam in the Horn of Africa’, Université de Copenhague: Presentation of the Project'.
  • Anne Regourd, 7-9 December 2017, Princeton, Institute for Advanced Study (International Conference "Shii Studies: The State of the Art"), 'Between the lines: reading the history of papers from early manuscripts in the Glaser collection held in Berlin'.
  • Anne Regourd, 27 March 2018, Paris, AIDL (Conference "Bilan de trois ans de guerre à huit clos au Yémen et de l'implication française"), 'Patrimoine culturel du Yémen'.

  • Field mission reports

  • 1st Mission - Wolkite e Gibe Valley (ET) 11-12/2014, by Sara Fani (read online)
  • 2nd Mission - Somaliland, Hargeisa (SO) 08/2015, by Michele Petrone
  • 3rd Mission - Djibouti, Balbala (DJ) 02/2016, by Sara Fani
  • 4th Mission - Gibe Valley (ET) 02-03/2016, by Michele Petrone and Adday Hernández López
  • Drewes Collection - Leiden (NL) 09/2016 , by Michele Petrone
  • 5th Mission - Djibouti, Tadjoura (DJ) 02/2017, by Michele Petrone
  • 6th Mission - Awsa (ET) 02/2017, by Sara Fani